Nice to Meet You!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I must say, I have completely become addicted to reading blogs. I never really caught on to the whole reality tv thing but I have balanced this by reading the many amazing blogs out there, thus I have decided to start my own. 
I am a college sorority girl who is completely in love with college. I was born, raised, and breaded in the South and couldn't imagine being anywhere else. There is just something about a guy in seersucker and a bow tie that makes me love this place, not to mention my favorites: Sweet Tea, Fried Chicken, Football, and Carolina Beaches. 
So I guess it is here on my blog that I am going to share a little part of my life with you. As I start this, I am asking myself "Do I really want to share my personal life with the millions of people online?" I must be crazy right? I swear, there is not a week that goes by with my friends when someone doesn't tell me "If you were to write down and publish the off-the-wall stories of your life, you would be a millionaire!". So true, so that is exactly what I am going to do here. I doubt it will make me a millionaire but it sure as hell will provide a few laughs for somebody!